How do I renew my book?


To renew books and DVDs, sign into your library account on the Library Homepage by clicking on the link Primo Advanced Search link underneath the big search box.

Click on the Primo Advanced Search link

Sign in via the yellow link in the top right corner.

Sign in via the yellow link in the top right corner

If you are not already logged into myRCC on the browser, you will be directed to the myRCC login page. When you enter your username and password, it will take you back to the Library's Primo search page. Click on your name and select My Loans on the drop-down menu.

Select My Loans

Select the loans you want to renew. Books have loan periods of 30 days and DVDs 7 days. Each item can be renewed once. Materials renew from the day you renew them, not from their original due date. For example, if your book is due on November 11, but you renew it on November 6, your new due date will December 6, not December 11.

Renew materials


  • Last Updated Nov 07, 2019
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Sarah Levy

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