How do I look for books at the library?


To search for books on the shelf, select the Physical Holdings radio button underneath the big search bar on the Library Homepage. You can also select this option on drop-down menu at the top of the search page after typing in a keyword search,

Current students may check out books from the Circulation Collection for four weeks at a time. Bring the book(s) you want and your Student ID to the Circulation Desk.

Search for physical materials by selecting the radio button under the search bar

If you want to look for books in any form (physical or ebook), you can select the Material Type-->Books on the drop-down of the Primo Advanced Search or after getting your search results, limit by Books under Resource Type.

Limit material type to books in Primo advanced search

Limit to books under resource type to find ebooks and/or books on the shelf

  • Last Updated Nov 07, 2019
  • Views 58
  • Answered By Sarah Levy

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